Thursday, June 4, 2009


dear nigel

and kylie

we promise
once baby is here
to still
go on daily runs
brush you every night
and play tug-of-war and catch often

ky's super-dog, glamour shot

nigel's blunt, straight-legged run

nigel couldn't find the ball. sometimes he's a little slow.

ky lazily drinking water after playing catch


Helen said...

They're adorable! Good luck keeping your promise:).

Tonee said...

I agree with Helen...good luck on that promise. I have probably spent a total of 2 minutes with my dog since baby came along! At least my husband still talks to her. WAAAY cute dogs by the way!

Anonymous said...

Oh the pups are so sweet that I'm sure that you will be able to keep your promise. They ask for so little and give so much in return.


Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that you will be able to keep your promise. I believe that both of you have enough love in you to ensure that those beautiful dogs are never neglected.
