Monday, October 4, 2010

change: part one

one of my favorite lines from little women
is when jo march says:
"change will come as surely as the seasons,
and twice as quick"

as graham and i head into
our own season of change,
the thing that has made me the most emotional
is ryker starting a new daycare/school.

ryks' previous daycare was full of amazing
women who loved ryker so much and
took wonderful care of him.

however, it was time to switch ryks to the
daycare/school just down the hall
from graham's office.
this new school is awesome and places a
major emphasis on education.

so ryks and i said good bye to friends last week
and he started his first day
at the new school this morning.

graham just called and reported that ryks
instantly liked his new teacher.
ryker didn't even have time to
wave good bye to his dad
before he was off playing with
new toys and new friends.

kids are resilient and moms are emotional.
i'm glad ryks handled this so well.
now it's time to worry about
finding a new home soon and
starting a new job next week.
all in a day’s work.


Anonymous said...

glad Ryker is handling things well
he learns from his parent's, so there is no doubt you will do fine with everything.

love, Sharon

Helen said...

a new job? where are you headed? good luck with all the changes!