Friday, July 31, 2009

many firsts

ryker is starting to smile.
just today he looked up at me and
gave me a huge, open-mouth smile.
it melts my heart every time.

graham and I went on our
first date without ryker.
we went with graham’s dad and brothers,
my brother and his girlfriend nichole
to the mls all-star vs. everton soccer game
(which was really fun because everton
is my father-in-law’s favorite team)

nichole, chris, me, graham

in preparation for leaving ryker
with my mom, dad, and sister
while we went to the soccer game,
we tried bottle feeding for the first time.
he didn’t mind the bottle but
seemed confused about dad feeding it to him

ryker has had an upset tummy after he eats
so we now burp him many times during each feeding.
he must be a quick learner because today
he stopped feeding, lifted his head, burped,
and went right back to eating.
i’m so proud.

a few weeks ago, we went with graham’s brothers
to the real salt lake soccer stadium.
doesn’t ryker look like a natural on the soccer field?

ellie and her friend at the soccer stadium

ryker also went swimming in my grandparents’ pool.
well...more like i put his legs in the pool.
he liked it just as much as taking a bath
and screamed the moment his toes touched the water



Tonee said...

Wow! He's a handsome little fella! It's soo awesome when they smile at you the first time huh? Motherhood and parenthood looks to be treating you (and Graham) well! Such cute pics of Ryker!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! he is looking so much older and I could tell that he just wanted to kick a soccer ball around that field with dad. Too cute !!
