Monday, July 20, 2009

four things

1. ryker has found his voice and the kid can scream!
last week was a little challenging
(i called graham in tears because ryker wouldn’t stop crying)
but for my birthday, ryker didn’t cry when
i went to lunch with friends or family or
when graham took me out on a date.
ryker did cry/scream, however, at the nordstrom sale.
he was definitely the loudest baby in the store.
graham was proud to hear his son
hates shopping just as much as he does.

2. ryks is getting awesome at holding his head up.
he does great when he is on his stomach and
even lifts his head when he is on his back

3. ryker loves to sleep on his stomach.
at a few days old, he was already turning on his side
now, if he positions his arm just right, he can turn
on to his tummy – which isn’t great for breathing.
you can imagine our decrease in sleep as
we constantly check to make sure he can breathe
in whatever sleeping position he gets himself into.

4. ryker can better focus on things and people and
follows them when they move around.
I love to watch him look at everything;
to see what captures his attention.

Next up: smiling.
we think ryks is getting close to smiling
when he sees or hears us.
we’ll keep you all posted!


Sharon / Tony said...

Love that baby boy, he just keeps getting cuter. Imagine he is already a month old.

Mom, Sharon

Tonee said...

Anne! No way! Thanks for posting that comment about the cereal! You totally solved my mystery. I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called - and couldn't seemed to locate it by my memory of what the box looks like (checker pattern). I don't know if they sell it any where, but I did find it on the quaker website, so they must! You have an awesome memory holy cow! I knew somewhere would remember what cereal I was talking about!
Ryks looks cuter than ever. I am sorry to hear that you got so frustrated, I hardly remember those first weeks, but they were rough at times!

Anonymous said...

Ryker just keeps getting cuter with every photo. I love this blog, at least I can see the changes and almost don't feel quite so far away. Thanks for keeping us posted Anne, it is great
