Thursday, November 11, 2010

evening the teams

yes, it's true. we are having another baby.
and it's a girl!

so as graham says, the teams are even.
two parents
two kids
two dogs
two boys (or three counting nigel)
two girls (or three counting kylie)
one family

baby girl weddick is due in april.
we are still getting used to the idea
that we are having a girl.
of course, aunt ashley and aunt nic
are both so extremely excited.
not to mention the grandmas!

ryker is going to love having a sibling.
a teacher brought one of the infants
to ryker's class the other day.
ryker grabbed a toy car and sat down to
play in front of the baby,
letting the baby touch the toy.
he loves playing with other kids and
seems fascinated with babies
(even if it is short-lived).

as far as the pregnancy goes,
it has gone very well.
i've been more tired this time
(and maybe slightly more grumpy)
but i think that has more to do with
chasing a one-year old around while being pregnant.

i waited a while to say anything
because i needed to tell my new boss.
i dreaded the "thanks for hiring me,
i'll be out for three months next year"
conversation but as i should expect at this company,
my boss was very excited and supportive.

so now graham and i are increasing our focus
on selling our house and finding the next one.
we want to move before the baby comes
but ideally want to move before christmas
(that's only six weeks away!).

anyway, we are extremely happy and
excited to start telling everyone the good news!


Tonee said...

Wow, you! So excited for you! You are awesome - your kids are going to be less than 2 yrs apart! We think we might be having a girl, and yes it's weird getting use to the idea. So are you due at the beginning of April? Happy, Happy, Happy!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!! I am sooo excited!!! April can't come soon enough
Love you!

Laurie said...

I'm SO excited too! We need more girls around for sure! YAY!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Laurie, we need more girls around, and Anne you are absolutely glowing in any picture I have seen of you. Sooo excited for the arrival of this baby girl.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for all of you. A little girl - I'll bet she will have the best big brother around. You must be so excited.

