Tuesday, June 22, 2010


happy birthday my darling ryker!
i am so excited for you to turn one
and enter a new stage in your life.
you have grown so much this past year.
i am so proud of how much you have grown.
i love all the memories - big and small.
your laugh, your hugs, your squeals, and more -
all bring huge smiles to my face.

happy birthday ryks.
i love you forever.


we had an amazing party for ryker
and invited our closest family.
thank you to everyone who
celebrated ryker's birthday!
it means so much to us that he
is loved by so many wonderful people!

don't you love this soccer ball cake?!

i think ryks thought this was a real
soccer ball because he grabbed it
and seemed shocked when he couldn't pick it up.

but he did get a new soccer ball for his birthday,
which made him very happy!

i took a picture from each month during
ryker's first year and enlarged them.
i then attached them to some string and
hung them at the birthday party.
this was such a fun idea for birthday deco!

happy birthday!


Tonee said...

Wow, one year old! I am sure the past year has been a wild and amazing ride. You are such a good mama, Ryker is lucky to have you! You have a love and zest for life! I love that bday cake idea! Ryker is so cute. I love the pics of him on the putting green. He just melts my heart - sorry but he's a handsome man! Love you! TOnee

Anonymous said...

it is amazing how quickly time goes by. i can`t believe ryker is already one year old. hopefully he won`t be too much older before he gets to meet his canadian family. both of you are awesome parents and one day, ryker will realize how lucky he is to have you.

happy birthday ryker

gail and rick