Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a solution

dear baby,
i’ve decided to call you
george until dad and I can
figure out what your
name will be.

this is so I can avoid
people giving me
anymore suggestions

so sorry,
check-out clerk at target,
I don’t need to
hear the 50 names
you think I should name
my baby

and see you later,
random lady at the mall.
i don’t need your list
of suggestions
(or what your friends
named their babies).


Anonymous said...

It's OK Anne, we will all love baby Weddick even if you call him George. Sometimes you just need to see the baby before you can say "uh huh, he is ????". hang in there.


Chris Weddick said...

I think George is a great name! How is George doing?

sharon said...

don't worry about the name Anne, we didn't decide on Graham's name until he was five days old. We actually called him Allan for a few weeks, then I decided he wasn't an Allan and convinced Sean and Michael to call him Graham. It just suited him.